AEI Systems
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VENOM 30 mm Gun

VENOM 30mm Gun is a derivative of the world famous ADEN 30mm and is a gas operated, electrically primed revolver gun. Configuration is similar to ADEN but with a lengthened barrel for optimised velocity, a muzzle brake for reduced recoil and a barrel aligned recoil buffer for improved accuracy.

With an effective range to 2000 m and the selectable option of single shot and 230 spm, VENOM’s ADEN heritage makes it a highly price competitive, non-ITAR restricted alternative to the M230 LF Chain Gun.

Designed for Turret, Remote Weapon Mount and Naval installations, VENOM is compatible with NATO standard ADEN/DEFA 30 x 113mm ammunition as well as M788 and M789 variants.

VENOM is another AEI Systems in-house design and is manufactured to aircraft standard quality entirely in the UK.

Data specifications
Gun TypeRevolver gun
Calibre:30 mm x 113 mm
Range2000 m effective
3,000 m maximum
Rate of fire:Single shot
230 spm
Muzzle velocity:765 - 805 m/s
Recoil Force:22 kN mean
Cocking systemMechanical & electrical
Firing sytemsElectrical 28 VDC
Gun mass110 kg
Barrel length1.4 m
Overall length2.04 m
Height240 mm
Width235 mm
Barrel mass15.4 3g
30 x 113 mm (electric primer)
TPTarget practice
TPTTarget practice tracer
HEIHigh explosive incendiary
HEITHigh explosive incendiary tracer
HEDPHigh explosive dual purpose
APArmour piercing
APTArmour piercing tracer
VENOM Data sheet

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